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Governance Committee Update 24-25 Genesis School Board Organization
Board Officers
President: Dr. Tom Stephens
Vice President: Kenda Caskey
Treasurer: Beth Ruf
Secretary: Ashley Garrett
Board Members: Dan Haley, Rodney Bland, Kyle Hollins, Tina Hinds-Booth
Standing Committees: (Finance, Governance, Performance)
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee’s role is to oversee the fiscal affairs of the organization by ensuring that proper systems, procedures and controls are in place.
Ongoing work: Investment management, Budget management post ESSER funds
Meeting Rhythm: October, December, February, and April
24-25 Membership: Beth Ruf*, Tom Stephens, Rodney Bland, Ron Dempsey, Kevin Foster, Bryan Stigall, Vincent Wright
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee’s role is to look after the general affairs of the board by ensuring board processes, structures and roles are effective and by equipping each board member with the proper tools and motivation to carry out his and her responsibilities.
Ongoing work: Board member expectations, board member recruiting.
Meeting Rhythm: October, January, April, June
24-25 Membership: Ashley Garrett* Dan Haley, Kenda Caskey, Kevin Foster, Gina Ross
Performance Committee
The Performance Committee’s role is to review, provide oversight and recommend to the full board the policy and resource decisions necessary to execute the school improvement plan and accomplish school improvement goals and objectives.
Ongoing work: The committee is participating in the Renewal committee and monitoring improvement efforts in the improvement plan and the renewal application.
Meeting Rhythm: September, November, January, March, June
24-25 Membership Tom Stephens*, Kyle Hollins, Tina Hinds-Booth, Kevin Foster, Vincent Wright
12/27/24 3:14 AM